Why us

D&I is rightly at the top of the agenda for many talent and management teams. 

The benefits of a diverse and inclusive team are clear, both in terms of financial success and talent attraction. With increased scrutiny and calls for transparency on diversity in the workforce, employers must ensure this remains of utmost importance.
The core foundation of any organisation is its workforce. Organisations that allocate the required resources and training to attract the right employees will thrive. Employers who look beyond the traditional recruitment pool can gain a complete view of the talent market and attract the best candidates. This is where we can help.

Benefits for your business

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Reach more diverse candidates

to build a stronger talent pool

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Gain an understanding of the market

and see how the most successful companies approach their D&I activity

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Improve business performance

across financial measures, employee engagement and retention

Want a deep dive on D&I?

Many organisations need help to implement successful D&I initiatives. Our research with 25 global organisations found that while 92% said D&I was a focus for their business, only 16% highly rated their initiatives. 

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How our services can help improve D&I

We partner with organisations to help them create a Diversity and Inclusion strategy. Our research helps clients to meet their targets and realise the benefits of a diverse workforce.


Understanding best practice

Are you looking to assess your performance by benchmarking your D&I against competitors?

We use in-depth research methods to help you understand the market, the opportunities to innovate and identify relevant risk factors.

Our approach puts your D&I initiatives in context, allowing you to set clear goals and plan for the future.


Ensuring a diverse talent pool

We help you meet your D&I objectives by taking a proactive approach to talent acquisition. We map the market to identify a diverse talent pool for your hiring requirements, allowing you to reach candidates a traditional approach may miss.

Our approach fits seamlessly with your internal team and facilitates a direct approach. And, if your internal Talent Acquisition team don’t have the capacity to approach talent directly, we can also manage this stage for you. Our Talent Search service includes direct engagement with candidates on your behalf, from profiling and briefing to interview scheduling and full access to the results of our search for inclusion in your talent pipeline as standard. 


Implementing a long-term strategy

Increasing diversity is a long-term focus, and this is where pipelining can help. Talent Pipelining usually takes place over 6 to 12 months and is based on a modest, fixed number of monthly research days. We dedicate this time to building a diverse talent pool for your future recruitment needs, focusing on a small number of agreed job families to ensure impact.

Each month, you will receive a Market Mapping Report containing comprehensive listings of the diverse talent in the external market. These reports provide you with a ready-made diverse talent pool and all the information you need should you wish to make an approach in future. Over time, we can build a talent pool that enables you to create balanced shortlists for key roles, all without the worry of additional placement fees. Plus, you’ll have access to the market insight we uncover throughout the process.

Pipelining is particularly valuable where there is a lack of diversity in the marketplace for specific roles. Building relationships early with those acting at a slightly more junior level can help identify individuals you can develop or monitor until they are ready to bring on board.

Want to learn more?

For a no-obligation conversation about your needs or to see how we can help, fill in your details and we'll give you a call.

Diversity and inclusion case studies

Case studies-coastal-abstract-aerial

Insights into diversity best practice

Our client wanted to understand the best way to manage D&I initiatives. Our research provided in-depth insights into best practice, helping them to benchmark their performance.

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Addressing diversity for senior level roles

We mapped the market to ensure our client could improve ethnic minority and female representation in senior manager, director and leadership roles and identify diverse future leaders.

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Identifying a diverse talent pool for a key role

Our client was seeking diverse range of individuals suitable for a new senior executive role. They approached us to map the market.

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What our clients say

“I can only say ‘wow’! You have generated a real set of diverse candidates. There is nobody I wouldn’t want to meet. This is a really impressive piece of work!”

HR Director

Talk to us about your needs

For a no-obligation conversation about your needs and how we can help, fill in your details and we'll give you a call.